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Choose Our Fertility Services

We offer a wide range of fertility and A.R.T. services including;


Experienced professionals

The clinic's healthcare providers are experienced in the field of fertility care and use the latest techniques and technologies to provide the best possible care to patients.

Patient-centered care

FertilAid Clinic prioritizes the dignity and respect of its patients, ensuring that they feel comfortable and supported throughout the fertility process.

Positive success rates

FertilAid Clinic has a strong track record of success, which can provide reassurance and confidence to patients who are seeking fertility care.

State-of-the-art facilities

The clinic's facilities are equipped with the latest technologies and equipment to ensure that patients receive the highest standard of care.

Emotional support

FertilAid Clinic offers counseling and support services to help patients manage the emotional and mental stress that can come with infertility, recognizing that fertility care involves not just medical treatment but also emotional support and guidance.


The clinic upholds the highest standards of confidentiality to protect the privacy of its patients, which can be an important consideration for individuals and couples who prefer to keep their fertility journeys private.

Waiting Couples Registration Portal

Our free waiting Couple Registration Portal is a platform designed for couples who are interested in fertility care to register and get started on their journey towards achieving their fertility goals. The portal is free to use and can be accessed by couples who are waiting to start treatment or who are interested in learning more about fertility care.

Through this Registration portal, we can offer free counselling services, provide educational resources and information about different treatment options to couples, connect couples with healthcare providers and schedule appointments. This Registration portal is also set up to provide personalised recommendations and guidance based on each couple’s unique needs and circumstances.

By offering this free registration portal, FertilAid Clinic is demonstrating its commitment to providing accessible and supportive fertility care to all individuals and couples who are interested in pursuing it. This portal is a valuable resource for those who are just beginning their fertility journey and are looking for guidance and support along the way.

Our Products

For Women


For Women


For Men


For Men




Lead | Dr. Shaibu Sunday


Dr. Shaibu Sunday

Assisted Reproductive Therapist (ART)

Our doctor’s weekly feed is a feature that provides regular updates and insights from the healthcare providers at FertilAid Clinic. It is designed to help patients stay informed and up-to-date on the latest developments in the field of fertility care.

This feed covers a wide range of topics, including new research findings, changes in treatment protocols, information about different fertility treatments and procedures, and tips for managing the emotional and physical aspects of infertility. It also includes updates on the clinic’s services, upcoming events, and other news that may be relevant to patients.